Every Painting that is made at MaEarth is a customized one, made on an order basis. When a Client comes to me for a Painting, I ask them on what they seek from it. Many times, Clients don’t understand my question. Then I explain to them that Art is not only an eye –candy but also a healing therapy for everyone in the energy space. If they still don’t know what to ask, I talk about their present situation – what changes in their life would make them happier? Now that is an easy question that anyone can answer.
When I start making a Painting, I set an intention to transform those aspects of the Client where he/she/they seek to change. It is a proven fact that energy follows thought and the intent set with a pure heart and positive emotions are captured into the time invested in the Painting. When I paint, I go into a deep-altered state -a state of bliss similar to the one I get into, during meditation. In that state, when I become a channel for divine healing, I receive guidance from the universe on the colours that heal the people in that space and the details that would align their beliefs with what they want to manifest. In time, the intended Change happens.
Every once in a while, I let my creative juices flow out and they take their own beautiful shapes with same essence and energy of a Customized art work. I believe that the painting is waiting for its rightful owner at the right time. Please browse my shop for these pieces and buy the ones that appeal to you. I promise that you will be immensely benefitted with the positive vibrations and energies of these pieces.